(By Rachel Joyce)

The Father’s presence was Your home,
O beautiful Savior,
Heaven’s beloved One.
And through Your great sacrifice,
Your suffering for our sin,
We are born anew,
Made daughters of Your grace.
You’ve drawn us close,
And now Your presence is our home.
Once, our eyes saw no beauty in You,
O Man of Sorrows,
Holy One of God,
Your righteous life repelled us,
Convicted us of sin, but
You bore our shame.
Your blood covered all,
Purging, cleansing, redeeming,
And making us Your treasured ones.
And we glory in Your acceptance,
Lover of our souls,
Delight of our hearts.
You are our completeness,
Our joy and satisfaction,
Our everything.
It is our pleasure
To rest in worship at Your feet
And adore You, precious Lord.