(By Rachel Joyce)
Are you living free?
One of my favorite chapters in the Bible is Romans six, which reminds us that we died with Christ, were buried, and have been raised to live the resurrected life. We are free from the power of sin and it has no dominion over us. How wonderful is that?!
The chapter goes on to point out that although we are free, we become slaves to the one that we obey. Faith is required in order to live the righteous life. We believe what God says (that we are free) and then, in His strength, we live out that freedom day by day, moment by moment, in all the small, daily activities and interactions of life.
Just as we were saved by faith, so daily we need to live by faith.
I believe that when we are standing firmly on God's promises and living them out, we will not get very far from Him. It's when we start doubting His truth that we begin to stray. When I know and am living out the reality of who I am in Christ, how much He loves me, and how devastating sin is, that will keep me at His feet. I will enjoy His presence and loathe sin.
The more I enjoy His nearness, the more I will be repelled by anything that threatens to draw me away from Him.
Satan uses deception to lure God's children off our faith walk. He tries to get us to doubt the truth of who we are--redeemed, cleansed, valued, treasured by God, heirs of life, free from the dominion of sin, children of light, and sons and daughters of the King.
Satan also tries to get us to doubt who God is--His holiness, sovereignty, kindness, and love. Finally, Satan tries to convince us that God's plans for us are not the best because his goal is to lure us off the path God has for us.
So today, let's pray that our God will help us, as people of faith, to live the crucified and resurrected life. May He protect us from the deception of the evil one and open our eyes to see Him in all His beauty. May He fill our hearts with love for Him and keep us close to Him all the days of our lives.