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Holy Is Our Lord!

Photo Credit: Kelly Marshall

(By Rachel Joyce)

In the year his lord was laid to rest,

Isaiah saw the LORD - exalted, preeminent,

His resplendence permeated the temple.

And above His supreme throne

Flew mighty angels singing,

“Holy, holy, holy is the LORD!”

Their voices rocked the temple

And smoke enveloped the scene as

Isaiah cringed at his own unworthiness,

Painfully aware of his sin-tainted lips.

But grace provided a cleansing

Coal, marked by the altar’s blood.

The LORD, the self-existent, eternal One,

Sovereign, Owner of all, in His infinite love

Provides cleansing for all

By the blood of His cross.

And we, His redeemed, worship

In the presence of our God.

We lay our idols in the dust and bow,

Blind to all else from the brilliance

Of Your magnificence, O LORD

Of glory; let our praises resound

Until the whole earth reverberates,

“Holy, holy, holy is our LORD!”


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Vaughan, Ontario, Canada

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