(By Ruthann Dellandrea)
Despite being God’s treasured daughters, sometimes we feel the need to imply that everything is great in our lives, even in a season of brokenness. We can cover up issues and difficulties by putting on a smile when in reality, we have torn-apart walls, fractured hearts, open wounds, and debris of defeat surrounding us.
At times, we even struggle lifting our heads from our pillow every morning because the tears won’t stop flowing. We feel so empty and broken on the inside. Certain circumstances in life are just so hurtful that we feel we’ll never heal.
Is it possible that when we bring our broken pieces to Him that in His time, He will make beauty out of our brokenness?
Is it possible that God allows our brokenness so He can rebuild us and heal us and then give us purpose?
Is it possible that brokenness and surrender become God’s pathway and bridge to healing, wholeness, and growth?
As we fully submit and allow God to do His work in us, there can be blessing in our brokenness that can lead to breakthrough. God isn’t afraid of our brokenness. He doesn’t see us the way we see ourselves in it. He wants to meet us there.
We may see ruins, remains, and rubble, but God sees value and purpose. He wants to bring life and wholeness to our broken pieces and places. The beauty in this is the divine way that God works in our brokenness. He knows every scar, wound, betrayal, hurt, and hard season we’ve been through and will go through.
As we put our total trust, hope, and faith in Him, He takes us on a rebuilding journey and puts us back together into something more beautiful than we were before and better than we could ever imagine. He’s the only one that can transform our brokenness.
His love calls us, and our brokenness calls Him.
When we choose not to hide away but to run to the arms of our Jesus and face our brokenness with deep faith, He will begin to take all the rubble and wreckage, piece by piece, by His grace and goodness, and in time, rebuild us and show us what He designed us for.
When we hand over our brokenness to other imperfect people, we often end up disappointed. God calls us to hand it all over to Him, the perfect One, who has written our story. He knows it all and His arms are open wide and whispering, “Come my beautiful daughter, I’m right here, I’ve got you — run to Me.”
How encouraging and strengthening that we serve a God who is in the business of rebuilding. He won’t leave us in ruins. He won’t leave us alone. He surrounds us with His open and loving arms.
There are no broken or damaged pieces that His love can’t make whole. There are no ruins that His love can’t rebuild. He is holding it all together with His loving and nail-scarred hands.