November 24, 2021
Praying Believers,
Thank you for being a part of a team who desires to pray specifically for revival and for our prodigals. We greatly appreciate it. While true revival starts with God and not with us, all revival includes drawing near to God in prayer. James says, “Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you” (James 4:8).
One of the beautiful things about Noah is that he loved his family.
All true people of faith love their families.
“By faith Noah, being warned by God concerning events as yet unseen, in reverent fear constructed an ark for the saving of his household. By this he condemned the world and became an heir of the righteousness that comes by faith” (Hebrews 11:7).
As we consider Noah as a father, as a leader, as a family man, let’s look at a few aspects of his life.
His name has significance. Most Hebrew scholars connect his name with the root nwh meaning to rest. Very often, especially in the Old Testament, names were significant and even had prophetic significance.
The tumultuous days in which Noah lived were anything but peaceful (Genesis 6:5). This was prior to the flood when people lived much longer, and Noah was 500 years old when his boys came along (Genesis 5:32). That’s a long time to walk with God as a man of rest.
The more we focus on our God and His promises, the more restful we will be. And restful hearts will lead to restful lives and restful families.
His character was exemplary. After reading the opening words of Hebrews 11:6, “By faith Noah,” I was curious and went back to read the actual account. “These are the generations of Noah. Noah was a righteous man, blameless in his generation. Noah walked with God” (Genesis 6:9).
Through his faith, he was righteous and blameless before God. This is true of every person of faith. Noah lived in a wicked period of human history that was marked by great violence, but he was righteous and blameless in his character (Genesis 6:11). This doesn’t mean he was perfect in the sense of being sinless, but rather he lived his life by God’s standards and was complete and mature as a person. Noah stood out because of his righteous life.
His reverence was real. As Noah lived before God and walked with God, he got to know more of who God was. This understanding produced a reverent fear within him.
The KJV says, “He moved with fear.” The Greek word for fear (in the original text) means “to be in awe of, and also to move cautiously or circumspectly” (Thayer’s Word Definitions).
As we see the greatness of God, as we stand in wonder of His supremacy, we not only seek to live carefully but direct our families in the same way.
Noah’s obedience was complete. He was not just a man of admirable internal character, but as you would expect, his love for God was visible in his behavior. When God warned him of coming danger, he acted.
Up to this point in history there had been no rain. Genesis 1:6-7 explains that there were waters above and waters below, thus producing a tropical-like effect upon the earth that created fertile conditions.
This news from God, of rain falling and floods rising, must have come to Noah as a great surprise. Surprise or not, he did exactly what God asked (Genesis 6:22). He built a ship for the purpose of saving his family.
While God may not be asking us to build ships, He does want us to be builders. Building into a family is a lifelong task. It may mean spending time around God’s Word, or creating an atmosphere of grace, love, and forgiveness, or making the necessary time for activities that will produce greater closeness.
His witness was evident. The apostle Peter tells us that Noah was a preacher of righteousness (2 Peter 2:5). Here in Hebrews 11:7, we learn that he condemned the world by simply constructing the ark. Each board added to this great ship was a reminder to the world that judgment was coming and proved that Noah believed God.
Dr. Jim Denison on the Denison Forum says, “The lighthouse that shines farthest shines brightest at home.” We cannot determine the outcome of our children, nor can we force change in our world, but our lives can be a testimony to bring light into the darkness, and love into the coldness.
His inheritance was sure. Noah was an inheritor of the righteousness of God. This means that he came into the good of God’s righteousness through faith.
Although many centuries have passed, we, too, can enjoy this same righteous standing with God. We who believe in God are promised all the blessings associated with being heirs of His righteousness. That means forgiveness of sins, peace with God, acceptance and security in Christ, a home in heaven, and much much more.
What we have come to experience is what we desire for our families. Thankfully, God is able.
Love in Christ,
Bryan and Rachel