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True Worship

Updated: Jun 23, 2021

Photo Credit: Benjamin Joyce

Dear Praying Partners,

Thank you for your willingness to share in our burden for the prodigals and for revival. Learning that God wants our all is the essence of true worship. As humans, we were made to be worshippers, but the question is, what or who do we worship?

As Creator, Savior, and Provider, God deserves our adoration and has full claim on our lives, yet so often we allow both important and unimportant things to displace God from His rightful place as Lord of our lives.

In his book, Life With A Capital L, Matt Heard says, “Worship is simply the act of attributing elevated worth to something or someone and demonstrating it through the devotion of my energy, resources, focus, time, and anticipation.” He later goes on to explain,

True worship will mean engaging my mind and recognizing His worth in every nook and cranny of my life. I will constantly be on the lookout for His fingerprints on my day and my story. I will be aware of Him and the story of His glory as well as my role in it. Letting His Word and Spirit illuminate the plot of worship being played out as I work and play, I’ll look for ways to adore, obey, and follow him. I’ll notice His worth. Not only will I be realizing life while I live it, I’ll be recognizing the Author of Life as well.

The Lord Jesus first taught this to the woman of Samaria, by saying, “The true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship Him” (John 4:23).

Jerome, who lived from 347 to 419 AD, translated the Bible from Hebrew and Greek into Latin; this version is known as the Vulgate. In Psalm 42:2, the psalmist says, “My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When shall I come and appear before God?” The words, “before God,” is translated in Latin as coram Deo. It means, “in the presence,” “before the eyes,” or “in the face of God.”

A life of worship or coram Deo, is a life that is fully God-centered.

As we live before Him today, let's pour out our hearts with the fullness that He deserves.

Love in Jesus,

Bryan and Rachel


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