(By Christina Gagnon)
Trust Him when to simply trust Him seems the hardest task of all.
I bit off more than I could chew. When I planned for this semester it looked far different than the reality that I see now. I thought about dropping a class or saying no to an opportunity that was been placed in front of me, but nothing seemed right.
Nothing seemed right except to pass through this season of busyness and intense workload. Nothing seemed right except to trust that God had brought this season to me, allowed all the parts to merge right at this juncture in time, leaving me swamped and overwhelmed, but challenged and convicted. God has promised rest to those who come to Him. I am a firm believer in balance, but sometimes, it doesn’t work out as I planned.
Can I trust God with this busyness? Can I settle my heart and mind to carve out time in a schedule that feels harried and maxed out to settle myself in silence before the Holy God of heaven, who is my Savior, my Lord, and my Father?
One of my classes this semester is the study of silence throughout Scripture - how God uses silences, how silence is perceived by us. I’ve been so looking forward to this class, and exhilarated by the sessions so far! Silence is not particularly about silencing the outside environment, but about silencing the internal world.
In a schedule that seems beyond manageable, can I make time to sit in silence, to connect with God, to draw my strength from Him? Can I trust Him? Can I trust that He allowed this season? Can I go forward knowing that He will carry me through? It’s not my strength that I go out on, but His. Can I learn, in whatever state I’m in, to be content? Can I do all things through Christ who strengthens me? Can I mount up with wings as an eagle, and run, and not be weary? I’m asking these questions of myself, but I’m sharing them with you too.
Seasons of busyness or tempests come upon us unexpectedly. They aren’t generally things we book into our calendar. But when they do come, how do we respond? It’s ok if the initial reaction is panic…that’s normal! But we don’t stay there. We turn, by a conscious choice and decision, our eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face, and as we meditate on who He is and who we are in Him, we begin to realize He has always been faithful and He will always be faithful (even if we struggle with doubt and faithfulness, it’s ok, He is faithful), and as hard as the task may seem, trust and confidence in Him slowly start to blossom. And then, the things of earth, the busyness, the tempests, the overwhelming, the gut-wrenching, the earth-shattering, the tediously mundane, the unpredictable and unexpected, all these things of earth and so many more grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace.
In light of all the tasks you face today, can you trust Him, when to simply trust Him seems the hardest task of all? He is faithful, He promised and He will see you through. And if, at the end of the day He hasn’t brought all the pieces together, don’t stress. It means this season is not over yet. He is faithful. He will not deny Himself. He will see you through.