(By Li-Lien Gibbons)
Not raised in a Christian household, I really knew very little about God and the Bible. What I did know was that the darkness and devastation I had experienced in life must mean something and there must be a better way to deal with it.
No amount of therapy, medication, and mind-numbing interventions had helped me find the peace and strength to live a healthy life and find a healthy life partner.
The Foster family, Dale and his parents, Ralph and Viola, helped to bring God into my life. Ralph Foster gave me my first Bible. It sat unopened at the side of my bed for about two years. I did not know about being born again or even what getting saved meant.
I had met Brother Roy Foster once in Ming’s Bight, and then reached out to him via the internet on January 3, 2021, when I was struggling with my separation anxiety. I had heard from his nephew that Uncle Roy understood separation anxiety and its deep effects on one’s life. On January 4, He and his wife Marion began a Bible study with me on the book of John.
Two weeks later, on January 17, 2021, I got saved while grocery shopping in Sobey’s listening to a gospel meeting on headphones.
Brother Eric Fowler of Labrador was preaching on Matthew 27:22. "Pilate saith unto them, What shall I do then with Jesus which is called Christ? They all say unto him, Let him be crucified." All I could hear was Brother Eric asking me the question. What will you do with Christ?
I quickly finished shopping and got home while listening to Brother Marvin Derksen of Ontario, preaching on Hebrews 3:8,
Harden not your hearts, as in the provocation, In the day of temptation in the wilderness:" Brother Marvin’s words impacted my heart: "Harden not your heart to Him."
That turning point, that message, the question, all unfolded in just over an hour, “What will you do with Christ? Harden not your heart to Him.” Right after hearing this, I sent this text to Uncle Roy: "Amazing. I want to receive Jesus Christ as my Saviour.” And I did. By 6:48 pm, I was a child of God.
I confirmed this by text to Uncle Roy who then shared the news with Garry, Damien, and Rhoda Jones who were praying for my salvation in Lanse au Loup that very day. I was in Toronto. Uncle Roy was in Corner Brook. God works everywhere!
With thanks to:
Eric Fowler and Marvin Derksen for preaching the gospel. Uncle Roy for shepherding me, Aunt Marion for her prayers and fellowship. Ralph and Viola Foster, for my first Bible (KJV), Dale Foster for bringing God into my life. Brother Damien Jones, Brother Garry Jones and Sister Rhoda Jones for their prayers and fellowship. Our group that gathers on zoom to learn about the art of Biblical meditation for our fellowship. Aunty Susan and Uncle Chee Ram in Singapore.
Special thanks to the Christians at the Langstaff assembly for their love and kindness shown to me. I have appreciated learning more about God and growing closer to Him through them.
Special thanks to Brother Bryan Joyce and Sister Rachel Joyce for coming all the way to the cottage to make this happen today in my favourite place of peace, God’s living water. Thank you also for their ongoing shepherding and support.
In the name of the Lord Jesus, Amen.
Li-Lien Gibbons